Door candle Mini Bowl FlOwer OA1710
Door candle Mini Bowl FlOwer OA1710.Is the new Flower of the goldsmiths of Anjou 1710 collection from Mini Bowl FlOwer candle. True art of the table in massive Tin that can serve as a candle.
The House OA 1710 - Goldsmithery of Anjou.
When porcelain and pewter punctuate our tables... Soft shapes and clean lines are more than ever the common thread of the new collection of Art de la Table, proposed by OA 1710.
OA 1710.
Unique creations with finesse, which will illuminate the festive tables! Buckets, Basins, Caps, Trophies, Medals, Tableware, Business Gifts, Bottle and Vial Wraps,Goldsmithing of Anjou also produces exclusive models for the most prestigious Champagne brands, as well as for other big names in the world of luxury.
Door candle Mini Bowl FlOwer OA1710.Is the new Flower of the goldsmiths of Anjou 1710 collection from Mini Bowl FlOwer candle. True art of the table in massive Tin that can serve as a candle.
Tealight holder BObble low version OA1710.In the art of the table, you need to know to choose the best accessories. The OA1710 brand offers to acquire the Tealight holder BObble low version in biscuit porcelain.
Tealight holder BObble version OA1710. Biscuit porcelain and ring shiny pewter candle BObble high version will provide your evening a whole different atmosphere. It is also a birthday gift original for your 10 years of marriage.
Saucier Mini BrO FlOwer OA1710.Mini BrO, latest generation of sauce boats in massive Tin of OA1710. A true work of art to complement your celebration table.
2 Champagne flutes with 2 shiny Tin OA1710 supports.Discover another way to taste the Champagne giving you these 2 flutes with shiny Tin model 01 + 1 support produced by the goldsmiths of Anjou.
Mini Symbol pewter polished and Interior Or OA1710.From the liturgical universe, Mini Symbol presents an original and modern style. It showcases the excellent know-how of the goldsmiths of Anjou.
Cup Medium BOlFlOwer OA1710.The Medium BOIFlower is a multi-purpose item: Cup, Berger, etc. It is a design product manufactured in brushed and polished pewter. The Cup is also an original article that you can give as a gift.
Cup Bowl FlOwer OA1710.FlOwer Bowl, elegant pewter Cup designed in the spirit of the new Flower of OA1710 collection. A creation original, much sought after, to complete a table of celebration.
Jug water BrO FlOwer OA1710.The contrast between shiny Tin and pewter brushed of the new collection "FlOwer" is sublimated to the jug water BrO FlOwer to the slender design.
Basket Large Bowl FlOwer OA1710.New range of OA1710 bread, brushed and shiny Solid pewter trays. A creation original, ideal for your loaves otherwise.
Horn funnel D - wine OA1710.D - Wine Horn funnel is the indispensable accessory of connoisseurs. It is used to aerate and filter bottles of wine.